Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fake Tanning

Tanning salons are becoming more and more popular as time moves on. Most people only care about what they look like and they have a goal and they will to do anything to reach i. But the problem is that tanning salons are not the best way to get some nice skin color. Even goin to the beach and getting a normal tan they say can be very un healthy for your skin. People of all ages are starting to go tanning even tho there is an age limit of 18 years old and its agenst the law for minors to tan. Tanning salon owners arent worried about the age or even the health , only one thing and that is MONEY $$. All these high pressure tanning machines are fairley new and the consequences down the line are still unknown and i feel that its very foolish to be tanin when its proven to be harmful and there is most likley to be severe consquences down the line. People cna only do so much to stop you from doing harmful things, but the cards are in you hand.

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