Sunday, December 9, 2007

Drinking And Driving

Drunk driving causes way to many un neccisary deaths every single year that can be avoided very easily. The legal limit of drinking is .07 that basicly consists of one beer. Most people when they go out for a drink they have atleat 6 beers on a normal weekend night thats not including hard liqior. This is a very big problem because when these people are done most of them are getting behind the wheel of a car and that is not good because there are innocent people out there not only driving but pedestrions on foot that can loose thier life at any given time because of a foolish decesion of a drunk driver . I feel something has to be done even though the police department really does have harsh penalties but people still do not listen , we should have alot moe spot checks on weekend nights. But all these incedents that cause thier lifes and lifes of innocent people must come to a hault immediatly.

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